Friday, June 28, 2013

The Goddess Ripens! Lammas Gathering with Dances of Universal Peace

The Goddess Ripens
Lammas Gathering with
Dances of Universal Peace

Yasmin is a student of world religions as a vehicle for the cultivation of compassion between neighbors, culture and nature. She is a representative for the Sufi Ruhianiat and a leader for the Dances of Universal Peace.  

Sarah is a community herbalist, Reiki Master/Teacher and a priestess of the Goddess, initiated in the Reclaiming Tradition. She is owner of both Radiance and Herbs from the Labyrinth, LLC.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Yoga Nidra: Better Than a Nap!

Yoga Nidra:
Better Than a Nap
with Joy Kirstin
Saturday, July 27, 2013
1:00 - 4:00 pm

At Radiance, 9 W Grant St., in the heart of downtown Lancaster, PA

Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) is an ancient relaxation practice that systematically induces complete mental, physical and emotional relaxation. As a guided meditation practiced while lying down, it is now used in clinical settings as an adjunctive treatment for insomnia, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and PTSD. It has shown itself as an effortless entry into a deep meditative state where your wholeness and authenticity await. 

Experience how this easy and effective practice supports increased health and joy, and how to use it towards achieving a life goal with greater ease. After this introduction, practitioners can continue to reap the benefits at home using a CD recording.  Joy’s CDs will be available for sale at the workshop. Beginners and experienced practitioners welcome; no movement involved. If possible, bring a pillow and blankets.

Cost for this workshop is $35.00.  To register, call Radiance at 717-290-1517, or stop in.
Joy Kirstin
Joy lives and teaches in the Washington, DC area.  She was introduced to Yoga Nidra in 2003 and immediately began incorporating it into her work with individuals and groups. Her Yoga Nidra explorations are influenced by the teachings of Rod Stryker, Richard Miller, and a 25-year background in embodied, ecstatic intentional spiritual practice. She is a Certified iRest Yoga Nidra teacher, and creator of the popular Yoga Nidra CD, Deep Relaxation and Personal Transformation.