Friday, July 16, 2010

Building a Shaman's Mesa with Adhi Moonien Two Owls

Sundays, September 12 & 19, 2010 from 2 to 6pm, at Radiance in Lancaster

The Mesa is the map which represents the Shaman’s Universe. Much like an organic altar, it contains the energies that are used to support the work. What goes in a Mesa is very important and must adhere to specific energetic principles. In this two-part class, participants will learn the process of creating a “Mesa” or sacred bundle to use as part of their Shaman training.
This workshop is designed to be part of a long ongoing series. What participants learn here will develop and grow as they continue to study. All the tools that the Shaman creates move them closer to initiation.
Bring to the first class:
one square yard of wool fabric (it can have a print) in white, blue or green,
sewing needle & scissors,
notebook or journal
Your rattle if you have already made one.
White Sage, Tobacco, Copal and Balm of Gilead.
Class will be held at Radiance, 9 W Grant St, Lancaster, PA, across the cobblestones from Central Market. Stop in or phone 717-290-1517 to register. Cost is $85.00 in advance.

Adhi has been studying shamanism for almost 20 years. She draws from many different teachers and their wisdom. Adhi is an engaging teacher, accomplished artist, energy worker, Radiesthesiologist (vibrational dowser), and researcher. Her primary area of study is sacred objects, ritual items, magical tools and the temple sciences that guide them. She has spent that last 2 decades understanding deeper patterns and energies that make them work. Adhi's formal training is from the Kansas City Art Institute. Other training is in Bio-geometry, Reiki, Shamanism, Buddhism, and advanced energy sciences. Adhi travels and teaches all over the world.

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