A Woman’s Power: Intuition, Creativity, & Healing
With Gurunater Kaur Khalsa
Saturday, June 19, 2010 1-5pm
As women, we have natural gift of awareness, intuition, creativity, power and healing. Yet many of us have forgotten our Divine gifts, trapped in the limitations of outdated beliefs, unconscious defenses and imprinted reactions. In this workshop, you will experience ancient yogic practices of mantra (repeated affirmations), asanas (specified bodily movements) and meditation: three powerful tools that in combination open the gateway to reconnect with your Divine essence and feminine power. The workshop provides an access to your natural gifts of intuition, creativity, and healing by focusing on:
· balancing the chakras - the energy centers of consciousness
· opening the heart center - the doorway to increased acceptance of yourself
· expanding intuition and the dynamic flow of the creative nature of a woman
$60 Pre-register by June 16 phone Radiance at 717-290-1517 or stop in for more information. Radiance is located at 9 W Grant St, across the cobblestones from Central market in downtown Lancaster,
Gurunater Kaur has been teaching Kundalini Yoga since 1976. She has made gemstone malas for many international dignitaries, including Yogi Bhajan and the Dalai Lama. She is a Certified Hypnotherapist doing Past Life Regressions and Reiki Master, Polarity Therapist, Therapeutic Touch, & Sat Nam Rasayan Practitioner. She is an ordained minister since 1984 and a member of The National Guild of Hypnotists, Mid-Atlantic Yoga Association, International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association.