Tourmaline Body Therapy, Level One with Mary Anderson
Approved Provider by NCBTMB
Workshops for Energy Healers and Massage Therapists
Enrich your healing practice with Tourmaline Body Therapy. This course is designed to teach the participants how to assist a client in releasing body armor. This technique is a wonderful enhancement for the practices of both energy workers and massage therapists. Theoretically, we hold past traumas (emotional, psychological, physical) and unresolved issues in our body. One physical manifestation of this phenomenon is called body armor.
The effects of this treatment include: a heightened sense of well-being (homeostasis); reduced physical pain and discomfort; released tissue held memory; enhancement of personal transformation through sensual recognition which gradually allows for long lasting healing to occur.
This Level I Workshop is a hands-on class and an introduction to core release techniques. The emphasis is on the relationship or partnership of the practitioner and client. .
Cost for Level 1 workshop: $125, 6 1/2 Continuing Education Hours available
Suggested reading, The Psychology of the Body by Elliot Greene & Barbara Goodrich-Dunn
Classes will be held at Radiance, 9 W Grant St, Lancaster, PA 17603. Stop in to register or phone 717-290-1517.
Level 1 for massage therapists will be held on Sunday, October 11, 2009. 10am to 5:30pm
Level 1 for energy practitioners will be held on Monday, October 12, 2009, 10 am to 5:30pm
Designed for all types of clothed body therapies such as; Reiki, Energy Practitioners, Shiatsu, Tai Yoga, etc.
All participants must have a basic knowledge of anatomy
A Level 2 workshop for massage therapists will be held November 15 & 16, and will require this Level 1 class as a prerequisite. Cost for Level 2 training is $255.00. Call for more information.
For more information on Tourmaline Body Therapy and Mary Anderson, visit www.tourmalinebodytherapy.com